Saturday, June 26, 2010

Flash 10.1 For Mobile The Extended Wait Continues

2:59 AM by Mr. Shahan · 0 comments

Adobe announced Tuesday it released Adobe Flash 10.1 to its mobile platform partners, with hold up coming to Android, Blackberry, WebOS, Windows Phones, Symbian, MeeGo and LiMo. What does that mean for you? Nothing, if not you have a Nexus One with Android 2.2 (serendipitously conventional over the air or installed manually).
Some day, Flash 10.1 will be obtainable on all kinds’ mobile devices, but you may desire to grab a Snickers, as it's not happening for a while. Everyone else will have to wait.
Android phone owners, who require Android 2.2 to run Flash 10.1, can check out this upgrade guide; the gist is that Motorola's Droid will be next in line -- date unspecified - and some other Android 2.1 phones will go Froyo within the next six months, or by year-end. It was once reported that Flash 10.1 would work on Android versions 2.1 and senior, but Adobe's statement only mentions Android 2.2.
[Read more of this review]
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