Friday, July 9, 2010

White iPhone Near To Release

6:48 AM by Mr. Shahan · 0 comments

If you're one of the Apple-iPhone-loving fans that didn't order the black iPhone on Apple's previous shipping because you think White version is a lot cooler, a teasing post from M.I.C gadget will up the ante for your cravings. It is a sequence of photos showing the white-colored version of the iPhone 4 alongside with the device box that appears to be the same to the black-version box excluding from the white iPhone printed on the front. Hit on the continue link for extra details and photos.

We already know that Apple have delayed the white models until middle of July due to manufacturing challenges, so we're actually wondering where the Japanese source got this unit? If it's a hoax model we don't know, but if a suggestion that the white version is coming, common Apple ship this now.

We know another version of iPhone that is white as well, why it is made of ostrich's feet and ooh it's a small bit shiny than expected why, it is coated by diamonds, genuine diamonds --the iPhone Diamond version worth $19,500. That's if you can't wait for this white one to ship later.
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