Wednesday, September 29, 2010

AMD Offers ATI Radeon 5670 DX11 Card Below $100

5:01 AM by Mr. Shahan · 0 comments

AMD has offered a budget price tag of below $100 (£62) for its latest ATI Radeon HD 5670 – DirectX 11 talented graphics card. AND ultra-high, high and medium end cards in the 5000 series are already well-liked among the users.
However a cheaper model will absolutely provide a marketing edge. The ATI Raedon HD 5670 uses 61W utmost and 14W when it is idle. This system is offered complete with Eyefinity Multiple-Monitor Capability (Maximum 4 but 3 at start).
AMD has clear understanding of market insist for DirectX 11 capable graphics cards. Quite recently AMD sold its two millionth DirectX 11 graphics chip and mean to celebrate the occasion. The PC market louds AMD enabled DirectX 11 support, comments Matt Skynner, vice president and general manager AMD Graphics Group.
AMD has become a top game player by launching lots of series in the software infrastructure. They have proved the innovative skill in graphics as nobody has done in the magnitude and quantum presented by AMD. The series effectively launched are:
ATI Radeon HD 5970, ATI Radeon HD 5800 and ATI Radeon HD 5700.
The graphic excellence world, world popular products that are being used and appreciated by clients of all classes are the unmatched ATI Eyefinity technology and ATI Stream technology. These are serving exactly millions of customers throughout the world.
620 gigaflops
The card boasts are capable to compute power to the tune of 620 gigaflops, has a core clock speed 775 MHz and has 400 stream processors, as claimed.
The Headlines are turning to the mainly preferred DirectX 11 capability by gamers who will explore the cheaper choice and take full advantage of the DX 11 capacity of Windows 7 PCs.
The adjacent competitors in the market NVIDIA are yet to describe their DX11 card version.
AMD is as well launching ATI Radeon HD 5500 and HD 5400 series soon. These are described as HD 5500 – a low profile graphic card for little form-factor PCs and media centres, bringing  DX11 support, Eyefinity support for 3 monitors, HDMI 1.3a and Dolby and DTS support.
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