Saturday, December 11, 2010

SEO for FireFox Toolbar

1:46 AM by Mr. Shahan · 0 comments

Author of the extremely successful SEO Book, Aaron Wall has released the latest SEO extension to Firefox. The toolbar includes all those SEO essentials we strive for in our toolbars, including his earlier Rank Checker tool which is now implemented within the SEO for FireFox toolbar.
SEO is becoming an increasingly competitive strategy of increasing a websites visibility and in turn increasing traffic. Earlier on in SEOs birth you where able to get away with doing an hours keyword research, a little on page optimisation to add your keywords to your Title and Meta tags and a couple of posts on a forum with links back to your website may of been enough to get you on the first page. But not now, SEO is a competitive game with people around the world competing against each other for that number one position you can no longer just do some quick keyword research and call it a day. You need to analyse your
keywords and perform some deep keyword research to find the perfect keywords for your website. Not only this but you need to analyse your competitors and find out how they rank number one and do everything better than them.
This can get a little time consuming, jumping from one website to another to find all the information you need to. So Aaron has taken many of the most popular SEO tools and incorporated them in to one single toolbar which you can add to your Firefox web browser.
You can read more about SEO for Firefox toolbar and download it here.
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